
Showing posts from May, 2024

Who is tracking me

  Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting your privacy. So we've developed a Privacy Policy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions. PERSONAL INFORMATION Personal information is data that can be used to uniquely identify or contact a single person. We DO NOT collect, store or use any personal information while you visit, download or upgrade our website or our products, excepting the personal information that you submit to us when you create a user account, send an error report or participate in online surveys and other activities. Only for the following purposes that we may use personal information submitted by you: help us develop, deliver, and improve our products and services and supply higher quality service; manage online surveys and other activities you've participated in. In the following circumstances, we may disclose your personal information according to your wish or

GPS Map Camera

 This privacy policy explains what information of yours is collected and to whom We/Us disclose this information and under what criteria it is shared. Go through this policy and acknowledge yourself with it our practices and if you have any query please do contact us.  PERSONAL INFORMATION None of your personal information is collected/managed/sent while you visit our product, download or upgrade it, none of your personal information is stored on our servers. But under some criteria, your limited information is shared with us:- We take location permission to support Geo tag feature of the app, this feature helps you to tag the location to the photos where they were taken.  If you submit bugs report to us at our email address then information such as your name, email address or any information you provide while contacting us is shared with us but we don't use any of the information provided by you in any ways for our own interest and it is kept limited to us only. Information provid